Mathematics for Education

H.G. Wells famously said "for complete initiation as an efficient citizen [...], it is as necessary to be able to compute, to think in averages and maxima and minima, as it is now to be able to read and to write." Mathematics education in primary and secondary schools is thus of vital importance. In our Mathematics for Education program, students have the opportunity to learn mathematics, and also to explore various pedagogical aspects of teaching and learning mathematics.
Degrees Offered:
Specialized Honours Major (BA or BSc)
Honours Major (BA or BSc)
Honours Minor (BA or BSc)
An Honours program takes 4 years, while a bachelor takes 3 years. The Honours degrees differ in the number of courses required in the discipline (with Specialized Honours requiring the most). A Major can be combined with another Major or a Minor degree, but it doesn't have to be. A Minor degree must be combined with a Major degree. If you're interested in a Bachelor of Arts (BA) degree, you will combine your courses with arts courses such as psychology or economics. For a Bachelor of Science (BSc) degree, you will combine your courses with science courses such as physics, earth and atmospheric science, biology or computer science. This program also works well combined with the direct entry concurrent education degree for a combined 6 year program that certifies graduates to teach in Canada.
Outlook: While there are local (GTA) surpluses of teachers in some subjects and levels, there is demand for teachers willing to move or with attractive combinations of teachables, such as math and French.
Courses: For a detailed list of courses required for your degree of choice (degree requirements), please see the undergraduate supplemental calendar. Keep in mind that the courses in the first year are the same for all our programs, so you will have time to shop around! For course schedules, please see York's course listings.
Why choose us? We have great student clubs and undergraduate research opportunities and a wonderful community. Also, find out where our alumni end up!
How to apply: Convinced? For information on applying, click here. Information on admission requirements is available here.
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